Nataliia V. Davydenko
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”




The article deals with peculiarities of the formation and functioning of Latin commercial (trade) terminology in the 16-17th centuries Ukrainian origin documentation. Commercial law terms in Latin (or mostly Latin) legal documents created in the territories that are part of modern Ukraine were identified and analyzed. The semantic groups of the studied terms are defined. The largest are: the terms to name the process of buying and selling, traders and executors (comercia, resignatio, negotiatio, mercatio, venditio, revenditio, emptor, propinatio, ordinatio, hospis, hospitium etc.), terms for indicating trading places and commercial sructures (forum, nundinaе, diversorium, caupona, officina, maccella, pannicidium, pannicidius, fenestra etc.), specific terms used for containers and units of measurement indicating (szkarlat, pannus, granat, faylundisz, petiа, ligamentum, vas, dolium, congius, cuppа, sztuka, sigillum, signum, signetum etc). Moreover, it was found that terminological functions also have verbs with a special meaning: simple (vendere, propinare) and compound nominal (merces mutare). Many of these verbs have acquired terminological significance due to the frequency and systematic use in the documentation of commercial segment (commutare, disvendere, subministrare, subvehere).

Kee words: term, commercial law, trademark law history, Latin language, legal terminology, Latin documentation.


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