←2020. – Vol. 16

Myroslava M. Lysak
PhD student
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv




The article is dedicated to the study of semantics and functioning of compound nouns with a somatic component (CNSC) in the German language, in particular, the CNSC in German political discourse within the period from 2016 to 2020. Main semantic and functional features of CNSC are being determined. The article is focused on the role of CNSC in creating a pragmatic effect of publications within the political topics, looks into a powerful manipulative influence on the reader during the formation of a positive image of the politician or his deliberate discrediting, including the possibility of using individual compound nouns with a somatic component in order to ridiculize and undermine his image. The study explores metaphorical and metonymic transfers, on the basis of which the semantics of such compound nous with a somatic component in German political discourse is developing. The investigation presents the classification of a compound nouns with a somatic component into thematic subgroups within the thematic block “Politics”, the relationship of these groups in German-language mass media texts with political items, the semantic evolution of such compound nouns with a somatic component. Compound nouns with a somatic component with positive, negative, and ambivalent connotations which are actualized within the German political discourse, are also being explored.  The studied lexical units belong to the dynamic and innovative part of the German lexicon, they represent the creativity of speakers, as well as their aspiration for their speech individualization and its emotional richness.


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