Pyrogov V.
Ph.D, Associate Professor
Kyiv National Linguistic University
The paper attempts to study the conditions of historical origin and subsequent derivatization of the basic word-formation model “own-alien” in the Japanese language against the background of historical dynamics of the Japanese writing system development. Despite the fact that Japan and the Japanese are considered genetically isolated from the rest of the world, they repeatedly had to face the influence of external factors, in particular, to perceive and assimilate the norms and stereotypes of foreign cultures and languages, while preserving their national identity and integrity, and at the same time, to improve their own language and culture, resulting in the formation of a highly original and unique language that can be characterized as syncretic – Japanese-Chinese – with inclusion at present time of lexical elements from European languages, mainly English. The Japanese pattern of thinking has been periodically restructured throughout the history of the formation and development of their civilization. And every time at the moment of cardinal transformation of their culture one of the important if not the main factor was writing system, which served as a special mean of adjusting their culture and mentality. In recent decades, the algorithm of Japanese thinking has changed, adapting to the conditions of a new historical format (which corresponds to the synchronous type of thinking), while the Japanese writing largely preserves the traditional form, which corresponds mainly to the archaic type of thinking. As a result, objective cultural and psychological contradictions arise, and at the same time a need to find a way out of this difficult situation emerges, perhaps by further reforming the existing system of writing, creating a more adequate system of written signs that would correspond to the imperatives of the modern socio-cultural paradigm.
Key words: Japanese language, the history of the Japanese language, Japanese writing, Chinese characters, Chinese language, “own-alien” word-formation model, on-yomi, kun-yomi, yojijukugo, gairaigo, waseieigo, konshugo.
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