Diminutive Enantiosemy in Ukrainian Language

←2017. – Vol.11

Ruda N.

Ph. D., Assistant Professor

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv



The article investigates the phenomenon of diminutive enantiosemy in Ukrainian language. Enantiosemy as a common feature of diminutivenesse representation in the different languages is considered, the emergence of diminutive enantiosemy as a result of axiological specificity of conceptualization of smallness on the cognition of language speakers is explained. The specificity of diminutive enantiosemy manifestation in Ukrainian language is investigated, the causes of opposite meanings emergence in the semantic structure of diminutives are found out, the contextual conditions of diminutive enantiosemy representation are analyzed. The main idea of the research is that since the diminutives of evaluative-emotional semantics in the Ukrainian language (and in many other languages of the world) are capable of expressing both the positive (e.g. tenderness, benevolence, kindness, empathy etc.) and the negative (e.g. disregard, irony, superiority, flout etc.) connotations, this semantic-functional antonymicity can be explained, first of all, by the peculiarities of the conceptualization of smallness on the cognitive level of the native language speakers: on the one hand, smallness testifies about defenselessness, non-aggression, causes a sense of trust and benevolence (first of all, when it relates to living beings), and on the other hand, smallness is associated with small-scale, unimportance and because of that generates a number of negative meanings.

Key words: category of diminutiveness; diminutive; enantiosemy; enantiosemization; evaluative and emotional meaning.


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