Bohdan V. Chernyukh
Doctor of Sciences (Linguistics), Full Professor
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv




The means of expression of direct speech in the Greek novel (Chariton, Longus, Achilles Tatius, Xenophon of Ephesus) are represented by both verbs, noun and pronominal phrases in which the semе “speech” is implied by a noun or context. The dominant means of introducing direct speech within them are verbs in personal and impersonal forms, which are divided into hyperonyms (λεγω, φημι) and hyponyms (βοαω, αποκρινομαι, κραζω, etc.). The latter also include verbs which in a certain context are close to speech verbs (γραφω, κλαιω). Mostly, direct speech is introduced by hyperonyms, which appear in approximately equal proportions. The studied texts reveal differences in the location of markers of direct speech depending on their nature, which are mainly presented in pre- and intraposition: hyperonyms are located at the beginning (λεγω) and inside (φημι) of direct speech, while hyponyms and noun phrases occupy a prepositional position. Dialogue parties are also characterized by the lack of explicit labeling of direct speech.

Kee words: direct speech, introductors of direct speech, Greek novel, hyperonyms, hyponyms, nominal phrase, ellipsis.


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