Modern Socio-economic Language and Communication (Brexit Topic)

←2017. – Vol.11

Ruga Ecaterina

PhD (habil.), Associate Professor

The International Institute of Management “IMI-NOVA”, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova

Hioară Natalia

University Lecturer

Academy of Economic Studies, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova



Neologisms are new words, which appear as a result of major social events as well as the outcome of scientific-technical discoveries (for example “lichombez” – the elimination of computer illiteracy) etc. The word ‘Brexit’ can be considered a neologism as it was officially recognized on the 23rd of June, 2016 after the UK referendum. It is already included in some prestigious English dictionaries. Most neologisms do not survive, but some of them are immediately recorded and remain in use for long; they are weaved into the lively language linen (here the English language), becoming an integrated part of many languages due to the consequences of new realities as, for example, Britain’s exit from the EU, which has opened endless debates . The new word ‘Brexit’ has led to the rise of a great number of derivatives, such as : ‘Brexiteers’, ‘Brexiter’, ‘Remainer’,’Brexit-deal’, ‘Brexiland’ etc. Many words acquired new connotations:’soft -deal’- the word with beneficial/ positive meaning related to the process of triggering article 50, ‘hard-deal’- the word with converse / negative meaning; simultaneously there were registered expressions with ‘ironic’ and ‘pessimistic’ meaning. The language of the articles published by English magazines on economics convey the ‘postBrexit’ social mood. Because of fear and uncertainty, the lack of an undoubting economic and social plan of development there dominate a lot of expressions with contrastive meaning; they are followed by expressions with ironic meaning, while those with positive / beneficial meaning take only the third position: the expressions with pessimistic meaning occupy the forth position reflecting the social insecurity . So, the impact of economic and politic realities can create social complexities leading to multiple debates and polemics which can change the quality and the structure of the language. It can have a substantial influence on the translation process of the newly loomed (burdensome subtleties) neologisms.

Key words: brexiteers, brexitland, bargaining chip, no deal scenario, to trigger Article 50, overcast skies, death threats and boycotts, nagging concerns.


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