Rimma O. Kovalenko
6th year student
National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Ihor Sikorskyi”




The article is devoted to the study of multimodal means of embodying emotional concepts in modern English children’s literature. The research was carried out in the context of the anthropocentric linguistic paradigm with the help of the methods of linguistic cognitive analysis. Emotional concepts which are reflected in the concsiousness of speakers by combination of verbal and non-verbal means are being analyzed in the context of the multimodal nature of their implementation. The choice of research material is determined by the possibility of interpreting verbal and non-verbal components in the context of communicative situations. The corpus research methods made it possible to analyze a large volume of material, increased the accuracy of calculations and conclusions. According to our research verbal and visual elements are being used for identification of a character cultural affiliation. The variability of the elements of the visual mode, such as color, font, graphic sign, results in connotations of the elements forming the textual space. Verbal elements perform informative, expressive, appellative and others functions. Multimodal texts are characterized by communicative value, ensuring the coherence of the message. All pieces of literature, without any exception, are the result of multimodal communication between the author and the reader with the help of verbal and non-verbal elements encoded in the sign systems. The presence of polymodal components and their functionality determine the ideological component of a multimodal text. The essence of studying children’s literature as a multimodal text is in identifying different ways of expressing views, positions, attitudes or facts. The perspective of multimodality research we see in the futher use of modern technologies in the transmission of information, hence it increases the variability of modes, the study of which is extremely important.

Keywords: emotional concepts; multimodality; verbal; interactive; linguistic cognitive analysis; comics.


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