Kharytonova D.
Postgraduate Student
Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Institute of Philology
The article is devoted to the Internet blogs of political sphere. It is revealed that the main sphere of the formation and functioning of the new phraseology is the media style in the genre of the blog. The blog is considered as a mean of creating a specific author’s reality, which should be in line with the general public opinion. The Internet resource «Ukrainska Pravda» is analyzed from the point of view of the fullness of communicative tactics, verbalizers of which are phraseological innovations. Of course, new phraseological constructions are understood as not yet registered elements. They are understood as new combinations of words which refer to contemporary realities, phenomena and trends. Also new phraseological constructions can develop new, previously unregistered meanings. Therefore, they most clearly illustrate the current state of the development of Ukrainian society. Much attention is paid to the means of creating new phraseological constructions through contextual analysis. Internet blogs show that such communication tactics as prosecution tactics, tactics of positive self-presentation, tactics of negative representation of the addressee, tactics of irony, tactics of hanging labels and tactics of openness are often used by authors to demonstrate their own thoughts about events in society. As the material testifies, new phraseological constructions, such as the verbalizers of the aforementioned tactics used by bloggers in their texts entirely depend on the contextual content of the material. They represent the main position of the author’s blog of the political sphere. It is noted that new phraseological constructions give communicative tactics greater expressiveness and appreciation (using, for example, quotes in blogs for creating more persuasive influence on the focus audience). It is also established that all analyzed communicative tactics acquire a negative axiological semantics and mark the author’s attitude towards a particular political person or event.
Key words: political discourse, neophraseology, blog, tactics, persuasion.
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