Oleksandr A. Styshov
Dr. Sc. (Philology), Professor,
Kyiv University named after Borys Grinchenko




The article examines new words as a result of semantic derivation, which arises and functions both in the literary and national Ukrainian language of the beginning of the 21st century. The research was carried out on the material of the Ukrainian Internet discourse, since nowadays it is an extensive source (it covers various electronic media, social networks, forums, blogs, chat rooms, guest books, search sites) and a powerful communicative environment, thanks to which the spheres of interpersonal and group communication have been enlarged enormously. That is why within it a significant amount of semantic neologisms are being created and productively functioning there. The main factors contributing to the activation of semantic processes in the modern Ukrainian language have been identified. It is characterized by neologisms that appeared due to the expansion of the semantic structure of a number of proper and borrowed words. The main thematic groups of well-known lexemes, represented by military, medical, sports, artistic and other topical fields, have been outlined and analyzed. Considerable attention is also paid to the creation of the non-codified new words through semantic derivation within the colloquial variantof language, and slang. It is characteristic that the vast majority of semantic neologisms recorded in modern Internet communication arise thanks to various metaphors that expand and enrich the expressive and figurative means of the Ukrainian language. Only some of neologisms appeared due to the shift of the meaning structure of the words based on metonymy and synecdoche. The main reasons for the active production of semantic neologisms in the Ukrainian Internet discourse are being analyzed.

Key words: neologism, neosemant, meaning, Internet discourse, factor, metaphor, creative


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7. Slovnik ukraїns’koї movi v dvadcjati tomah (Kiїv, 2010–2021): t. І–ХІІ.
8. Slovnik ukraїns’koї movi v 11-ti tomah (Kiїv: Naukova dumka, 1970–1980): t. І–ХІ.
9. Slovnik ukraїns’koї movi (Kiїv: VC “Prosvіta”, 2012).

10. VZ-і – gazeta “Visokij zamok” (іnternet-versіja).

11. VK-і – gazeta “Vechіrnіj Kiїv” (іnternet-versіja).

12. VTSSUM – Velikij tlumachnij slovnik suchasnoї ukraїns’koї movi (z dod. і dopov.), uklad. і golov. red. V. T. Busel (Kiїv; Іrpіn’: VTF «Perun», 2005), 1728.

13. D-і – gazeta “Den'” (іnternet-versіja).

14. DT-і – gazeta “Dzerkalo tizhnja” (іnternet-versіja).

15. RS-і – Radіo Svoboda (іnternet-versіja).

16. UM-і – gazeta “Ukraїna moloda” (іnternet-versіja).

17. UP-і – gazeta “Ukraїns’ka pravda” (іnternet-versіja).

18. Slovnik-Prosvіta – Slovnik ukraїns’koї movi (Kmїv: VC “Prosvіta”, 2012), 1320.

19. SUM-20 – Slovnik ukraїns’koї movi v dvadcjati tomah (Kiїv, 2010–2021): t. І–ХІІ.

20. SUM-11 – Slovnik ukraїns’koї movi v 11-ti tomah (Kiїv: Naukova dumka, 1970–1980): t. І–ХІ.

21.і – gazeta “” (іnternet-versіja).