Golubovska I.
DSc., full prof.;
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Institute of Philology
Orlova T.
DSc., full prof.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Institute of Philology
The article describes the political institutional discourse as an instrument for influencing the masses and manipulating their consciousness, moods, behavior in the interests of a small group of people who call themselves the political elite of society. Political discourse is considered in a narrow sense – as a discourse of a specific politician (D. Trump), who represent the Republican Party of the United States. On the material of the inaugural of Trump, delivered on January 20, 2017, such communicative tactics are being considered: argumentation; identification; intimization; positive self-presentation; accusing; sacral symbolization; pooling of public efforts and motivating to cooperate with the authorities; positive forecasting, ̶ which are all realized with the help of verbalizations of various communicative moves. Such traditional stylistic figures as anaphora, epiphora, antithesis, tricolon, etc. are widely involved in the processes of final verbalizations of manipulative intentions of the addressee. Moreover, anaphora concentrates the listeners’ attention on the original author’s settings, and epiphora focuses the attention of the recipient on the consequences of actions, on their desired result. Ethical and spiritual values of the American people serve as the implicit basis for the discoursive actualization of communicative tactics, which the politician uses for his communicative purposes trying to achieve a powerful impact on the target audience. Evidently the structure of the manipulative influence on the verbal-semantic and deep-cognitive levels of the political text of the genre of inaugural is about to have the same character that must be proved on the basis of a study of political speeches of other politicians belonging to different political cultures.
Key words: political discourse; manipulation; communicative tactics, communicative move; thesis, antithesis, synthesis: repetition, anaphora, epiphora; implicit semantics, American values.
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