Volodymyr A. Glushchenko
Doctor of Sciences (Linguistics), Full Professor,
Donbas State Pedagogical University




Frontal study of Slavic studies of the 19th century – 30s of XX century testified: the problem of the relationship between vocalism and consonantism in the history of Slavic languages (based on Ukrainian language material) was presented by the Ukrainian linguist Pavlo Zhytetskyi. P. Zhytetskyi put forward a concept within which each considered phonological phenomenon occupies a certain, logically justified place; it is organically included in the general concept, derives from it. According to P. Zhytetskyi, a certain phonological change (the decline of reduced vowels) is the cause of a number of other phonological changes: the decline of reduced vowels as a key process in the «prehistory» and history of the phonological systems of East Slavic languages causes a «chain reaction» in the corresponding vocal and consonant subsystems.
P. Zhytetskyi’s thesis that in Slavic languages and their history «poor» vocalism is combined with «rich» consonantism and vice versa, laid the foundations of the historical typology of Slavic languages (on the phonological level) and proved to be very productive in linguistics of the 20th century. It became the basis for the division of Slavic languages into two types – vocalic and consonantal, which were interpreted both in the synchronic and in the diachronic aspect (А. Isachenko, K. Gorshkova, V. Ivanov, V. Kolesov).
P. Zhytetskyi reconstructed systems of archetypes and systems of phonetic laws with a similar mechanism (united by a common cause). Thanks to this, the history of the phonetic system of the Ukrainian language in the interpretation of P. Zhytetskyi appears as a chain of causally connected phonetic processes at the level of subsystems (vocalism and consonantism) and signs of sounds (strength and weakness, deafness and sonority, hardness and softness of consonants). This led to the fact that the concept of the connection between vocalism and consonantism in the history of the Ukrainian language by P. Zhytetskyi retained its relevance in comparative-historical and typological linguistics of the 20th century – the beginning of the 21st century.

Key words: P. Zhytetskyi, history of the Ukrainian language, phonological level, relationship between vocalism and consonantism, typology of Slavic languages.


1. Glushchenko, V. A. Pryntsypy porivnial’no-istorychnogo doslidzhennja v ukrai’ns’komu i rosijs’komu movoznavstvi (70-i rr. ХІХ st. – 20-i rr. ХХ st.) [Principles of Comparative-Historic Researches in Ukrainian and Russian Linguistics (70-s XIX century – 20-s XX century)] (Donetsk, 1998), 222 (In Ukr.).
2. Glushchenko, V. A. «P. G. Zhytets’kyj i problemy fonologichnoi’ typologii’ slov’jans’kyh mov [P. Zhytetskyi and the Issues of Phonological Typology of Slavonic Languages]». Istoriia ukrainskoi’ lingvistyky [History of Ukrainian linguistics] (Kyi’v; Nizhyn: «Nauka-servis», 2001): 49-52 (In Ukr.).
3. Glushchenko, V. A. «Systemni vlastyvosti movy v istoryko-fonetychnyh studijah uchenyh Harkivs’koi’ lingvistychnoi’ shkoly [Systemic properties of the language in the historical-phonetic studies of scientists of the Harkiv Linguistic School]». Naukova spadshhyna O. O. Potebni u slov’jans’komu kulturnomu prostori [The scientific heritage of O. O. Potebnya in the Slavic cultural space] (Kyi’v: Vydavnychyi dim Dmytra Burago, 2013): 107-119 (In Ukr.).
4. Glushchenko, V. A. «Istorija shidnoslov’jans’kyh [ъ], [ь] u kontseptsii’ P. O. Lavrovs’kogo [History of East Slavic [ъ], [ь] in the concept of P. O. Lavrovskyi]». Petro Oleksijovych Lavrovs’kyj: naukova i naukovo-krytychna spadshhyna (do 190-richchia vid dnja narodzhennja) [Petro Oleksiiovych Lavrovskyi: scientific and scientifically critical heritage (to the 190th anniversary of his birth)] (Kyi’v: Vydavnychyi dim Dmytra Burago, 2019): 57-62 (In Ukr.).
5. Glushchenko, V. A. «U vytokiv istorychnoi’ typologii’ slov’jans’kyh mov: Pavlo Zhytets’kyj [In the Origins of the Historical Typology of the Slavonic Languages: Pavlo Zhytetskyi]». Teoretychni y prykladni problemy suchasnoi’ filologii’ [Theoretical and applied problems of modern philology]. Vyp. 10. Ch. 2 (Slov’jans’k: Vyd-vo B. I. Matorina, 2020): 3-10 (In Ukr.).
6. Glushchenko, V. A. «Pavlo Zhytets’kyj i typologija slov’jans’kyh mov [Pavlo Zhiteckyi and the typology of Slavic languages]». Naukovyi visnyk Pivdennoukrai’ns’kogo natsional’nogo pedagogichnogo universytetu im. K. D. Ushynskogo. Lingvistychni nauky [Scientific bulletin of the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushins’kyi. Linguistic sciences]. № 32 (Odesa: Informatsijno-vydavnychyj tsentr universytetu im. K. D. Ushyns’kogo, 2021): 45-52 (In Ukr.).
7. Glushchenko, V. A., Roman, V. V., Rudenko, M. Yu. «Do pytannja pro aktualistychnyj metod jak metod studij iz lingvistychnoi’ istoriografii’ [To the question of the actualist method as a method of studies in linguistic historiography]». Naukovyi visnyk Mizhnarodnogo gumanitarnogo universytetu [Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanitarian University]. Ser.: Filologija. № 45. T. 1 (Odesa, 2020): 90-93 (In Ukr.). 8. Gorshkova, K. V. «Sootnoshenie vokalizma i konsonantizma v istorii drevnerusskogo yazyika [Correlation of Vocalism and Consonantism in the History of the Old Russian Language]». Slavyanskaya filologiya [Slavic philology]. Vyip. 5 (Moskva: Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 1963): 40-53 (In Russ.). 9. Zhitetskiy, P. I. Ocherk zvukovoy istorii malorusskogo narechiya [Essay on the Sound History of Ukrainian Language] (Kiev, 1876), IV, 376 (In Russ.).
10. Zhuravlуоv, V. K. «Nauka o praslavyanskom yazyike: evolyutsiya idey, ponyatiy i metodov [The Studies in the Proto-Slavic language: evolution of ideas, concepts and methods]». Birnbaum Х. Praslavyanskiy yazyik. Dostizheniya i problemyi v ego rekonstruktsii [Birnbaum H. Common Slavic: Progress and Problems in its Reconstruction] (Moskva: «Prohress», 1987), 453-493 (In Russ.). 11. Ivanov, V. V. Istoricheskaya grammatika russkogo yazyika [Historical Grammar of the Russian Language]. 3-e izd. (Moskva: «Prosveschenie», 1990), 400 (In Russ.).
12. Isachenko, A. V. «Opyit tipologicheskogo analiza slavyanskih yazyikov [Essay on the Typological Analysis of the Slavonic Languages]». Novoe v lingvistike [New phenomena in linguistics]. Vyip. 3 (Moskva: Izd-vo inostr. lit., 1963): 106-121 (In Russ.). 13. Kolesov, V. V. Istoricheskaya fonetika russkogo yazyika [Historical Phonetics of the Russian Language] (Moskva: «Vyisshaya shkola», 1980), 215. (In Russ.). 14. Kolosov, M. A. Obzor zvukovyih i formalnyih osobennostey narodnogo russkogo yazyika [Review of the Sound and Formal Features of the Folk Russian Language] (Varshava, 1878), X, 270 (In Russ.).
15. Plachynda, V. P. Pavlo Gnatovych Zhytets’kyj (Kyi’v: «Naukova dumka», 1987), 208 (In Ukr.).

16. Potebnya, A. A. (1876). K istorii zvukov russkogo yazyika [On the History of the Souds of the Russian Language]. Ch. 1 (Voronezh, 1876), VI, 243 (In Russ.).