Lesia M. Kotsiuk
PhD (Philology), docent
Ostroh Academy National University
Oleksii A. Pelypenko
senior lecturer
Ostroh Academy National University
Olha O. Pelypenko
senior lecturer
Ostroh Academy National University




The article applies modern digital methods of text analysis to analyse realia’s functioning in Camilo Jose Sela’s novel “Beehive” and their rendering into the Ukrainian language in two translations: Petro Sokolovskyi and Anatolii Sobutskyi in 1979 and S. Borshchevskyi in 2011. The authors review previous linguistic research on the definition of the national-specific vocabulary, its grouping by thematic principle, and analyse the works on realia in the Spanish-Ukrainian language pair. The procedure of studying the functioning of realia in the novel and finding their equivalents in the analysed translations involves the use of corpus linguistics methodology, namely, creating a corpus of parallel texts using the cloud translation management system Memsource and using the AntConc corpus manager to generate word lists and search for the necessary contexts. Considerable attention is paid to the procedure of identifying in the source (Spanish) text mono- and polylexemes with a national-specific meaning, their classification, and search for equivalents in translations of different years in Ukrainian. Based on the analysis of the source text’s corpus employing the AntConc programme, a list of realia was formed. Later, the way they are rendered into Ukrainian was analysed. Most often, realia are presented through transliteration, substitution, omission, and various types of translation.

Keywords: realia, parallel corpus, corpus-manager, translation.


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