Krysalna Y.
Assistant Prof.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Institute of Philology
The paper highlights the peculiarities of mutual interference between concepts FASHION and RELIGION. The study represents an attempt to compare fashion and religion as two systems of worldview. Verbal and non-verbal appeals to religious concepts within the scope of representations of concept FASHION in contemporary English media are being outlined. Special emphasis is put on Christian tradition as the cultural foundation of the English language. The paper briefly touches the problem of Muslim concepts’ representations in fashion discourse as an essential part of contemporary English massculture. The change in perception of fashion from the Bible times to contemporary fashion magazines is being studied. The practical dimension of the research includes texts of King James Bible, articles extracted form modern fashion magazines, sites of well-known fashion brends, releases of fashion collections, texts of news portals especially from such columns as society, culture, blogs. The diachronic perspective is represented by the texts of English authors from the Middle Ages and the Rennaisance period. The study pinpoints axiological shifts in culture and fashion discourse. Such key stages of manifestation of various representations of the concept FASHION as SHAME – FAST, GRIEF AND SORROW – POWER – VICE – FREEDOM – IDENTITY – RELIGION were highlighted. The results of the study show a high level of cognitive modification of the concept FASHION, antonymic relations between the primary and current kernel parts of this concept are shown in religious aspect.
Key words: concept FASHION, concept religion, religious concept, cognitive modification.
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