Lepetiuk I.
PhD., Associative Professor
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Institute of Philology
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/StudLing2018.13.184-202
The research is based on the M. Bakhtin’s theory of the speech genres, according to which speech communication, including artistic communication, is realized through a variety of genres of speech. The artistic text is considered as a secondary speech genre, which arises in the conditions of cultural communication and in the process of its formation absorbs a variety of primary genres. The article presents the results of investigation of the plays and role of speech genres in the structure of French novel of XX c. It examines different forms of the presence of a great variety of speech genres in the novel as well as their functions. This article analyzes a semiotic character of a speech genre and interference of a speech genre and a context of a speech situation. It investigates the use by the French novelists of a speech genre for transfer implicit information.The dialogism is examined and analyzed in the text of French Novel. This phenomenon is associated with the intentional and synthetic aspects of the language: each language is associated with a certain form of the speaker, refers to a certain context and expresses the point of view and a certain world outlook. Consequently, the text of the novel may be presented as a system of different languages, as well as inserted speech genres, entering into various dialogical interactions, the functioning of which has been organized and directed by the author in accordance with their intentions.
Keywords: discourse, speech genre, artistic communication, French novel, secondary speech genre, primary genre, semiotic, polyphony, dialogism.
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