Dovbyshchenko F. V.
Taras Shevchenko National University ofKyiv, Institute of Philology
In the present paper the book III of Herodian’s“History of the Roman Empire” is analyzed from the point of view of narratology and reader-response criticism. A narratological analysis allows to study the fragment as a realization of the author’s concept within the narrative strategy. The theoretical basics of narratology and reader-response criticism are shown as facilitating the consideration of the text within author-reader communication. A distinction between authorial and narrator’s communication makes it possible to describe the narrative strategy, lingual tactics and communicative devices providing the two-level communication with a reader and making him understand the ideas underlining the text of the book III of Herodian’s “History…”. The mechanism of making the reader reveal the author’s plot via re-accentuation tactics on the basis of junction of mutually antithetical narratives in the same context is demonstrated. This device provokes the lacuna in decoding the narrator’s message in the reader’s perception. In this way the reader is directed to discover the level of authorial communication and comprehend the author’s message. The deliberation of authorial choice of the previously named lingual tactics and devices is proved to be the core component of the narrative strategy. The role of authorial and narrator’s communication becomes clear.
Key words: narrative strategy, authorial communication, narrator’s communication, lingual tactics, communicative device, ancient greek historiography.
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