Alshaboul I.
Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Yarmouk University, Jordan
The article deals with the study of development of the speech acts of the students studing Russian and native speakers in psycholinguistic aspect. Texts of foreign students at the different levels of education, and also texts of native speakers of Russian, are being analysed. In the center of the author’s attention method of psycholinguistic analysis of the speech acts which assumes studying of linguistic and psycholinguistic components of texts. An analysis of the student`s texts shows tangible differences between native speakers and foreigners, who study Russian language, in linguistic and psycholinguistic veins. With the help of method of psycholinguistic analysis of the speech activity of students studying Russian language it have been identified individually-typical features of students at all levels of the text organization and compared with the results of native speakers. The systematic study of the manifestations of students’ personality in their speech activity allows to fix the elements of the communicative competence of foreign students, which differ much from ideal level of language proficiency, showed by the native speakers.
Key words: psycholinguistic analysis, linguistic analysis, speech acts, text.
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