←2019. – Vol. 14
Aliona Bivolaru
Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor
Bucharest University (Romania)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/StudLing2019.14.19-31
The purpose of this article is to present literary translations from Ukrainian to Romanian in the context of Romanian-Ukrainian intercultural relations. The specificity of translation is analyzed as a special type of interlingual and intercultural communication. It also considers the role of the translator as facilitator of the connections between different societies and cultures, highlighting the main translators from the contemporary period of Ukrainian literature in Romania, as well as the literary translations from the 90s to the 20th century, which have generated literary reviews and studies in the Romanian cultural space. In the same context for the lack of a complete image of the Ukrainian literature were given explanations in the consciousness of the Romanian reader. The article did not address the topic of the Romanian literary critics of the Ukrainian literature, who wrote works of great significance for the Ukrainian literature, but most of them are in Ukrainian, thus they did not contribute to a better knowledge of the Ukrainian literature among the Romanian readers. Starting from the idea that the Ukrainians over time had a different image in the eyes of the Romanians, from negative stereotypes, to better understanding the Ukrainian problems after the events on the Maidan and targeting of the Ukrainian problems by the Romanian media. Thus Ukraine became interesting for Romanians, hence the increased interest in literary translation, as one of the bridges that make the connection between the two cultures. The translation also facilitates the reader’s understanding and perception regarding the Ukrainian nation and the culture of the Ukrainian people.
Key words: Romanian-Ukrainian cultural ties; interlanguage and intercultural communication; literary translations; stereotypes.
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