Kozhushnyi O. V.
PhD., assistant professor
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Institute of Filology
In the article the results of the analysis of lexical and metric peculiarities of Gregory Theologian’s poetical language are given. It is noted that the author denies his belonging to the pagan literary tradition. He reveals its decay but at the same time he satiates his poetic works with a lot of archaic, classic and Hellenistic vocabulary as if proving the right of Christianity to inherit pagan cultural legacy. It is confirmed that the author created his own poetic style consciously in order todescribe Christian sphere of concepts in a poetic form. He actively used the achievements of the ancient literature. Four main metres of the metric organization of the poetic cloth are analysed.The author is mentioned to be a skillful poet. He manages to subordinate hispoetic art to its inner filling and demonstrates his great knowledge in all the spheres of the intellectual life of that time. There are several metric inaccuracies in the analysed texts caused by loss of phonetic difference between long and short vowels and the attention is attracted to them. The necessity of making the dictionary of Gregory Theologian’s language is emphasized.
Key words: vocabulary, metrics, poetic speech, literary tradition, hexameter, elegiac distichus, iambic trimeter, anacreontic verse.
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