Social and Cultural Context of the Dramatic Text: Problems of Reproduction (based on the Ukrainian and Russian translations of Williams Tennesse’s play «The Glass Menagerie»)

←2018 – Vol. 12

Pasenchuk N.

Post-graduate student

Kherson State University




The article is devoted to the problem of translation of the drama. The article focuses on revealing peculiar linguistic and stylistic features of the drama. The research has been done on the case study of Russian and Ukrainian translation variants of the drama text by T.Williams «The Glass Menagerie». Basic methods of translation are investigated in the article. On the basis of comparative analysis the author investigates the problem of lexico-semantic transformations in translation of the drama. There has been proved that lexico-semantic transformations play an important role in the process of translation, providing the text with dynamics, enhancing expressivity, serving to enhance the image-expressive functions of a language. The units of different language levels, which help to verbalize cultural information of the source text, words with national and cultural semantic component have been considered. It was outlined that structural and functional peculiarities of each target language in regard to source English language and personality of translator have an impact on the reflection of the national and cultural colour of the source text. The task of the translator is to provide the reader with necessary explanations, since the transfer of the cultural and social specifics of the dramatic text requires a special approach from the translator in achieving the pragmatic adequacy of the translation. It is determined that the literal translation does not correspond to the adequacy of reproduction of the source text. The nationally marked means contribute to the emotional and expressive colour of the source text and emphasize the national colour. The adequate reproduction of stylistic means leads to the preservation of the original intention of the author. The dramatic text is a peculiar model of the socio-historical context of society. The main task of the translator is the reproduction of the national components of the model of another culture and preservation of national-historical context of the source text.

Key words: adequacy of translation; drama; markers of culture; translation transformations; socio-cultural context. 


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