Surmach O.
Ph. D., Associate Professor
Military Institute, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
The article is devoted to the analysis of the nominative field of the concept REICHTUM in the German language, defining and describing the linguistic methods that characterize it. The informational content of many concepts is close to the content of the concept main word’s dictionary definition. That is why the study of the nominative field is of special importance. The building of the nominative field implies establishing and description of the language means that characterize the concept and its features. Interpreting the results of the linguistic description of the concept’s nominative field is an important and necessary stage of the study because it changes language data into cognitive and helps to start the process of concept evaluation. The nominative field of the concept – is a set of semes, that comprises the meaning of the language units that verbalize the concept itself and reflect its cognitive features. It was determined that linguocultural pattern of the concept REICHTUM has a complicated field structure. The total of its verbalizing means might be classified as such that relates to the core and margin zones. On the material of German lexicographical sources the synonymic row with grammatically different namings for describing “wealth” was analyzed; that is also the indicator for semantic and cognitive branching of the concept.
Key words: concept, nominative field, cognitive characteristics, linguistic consciousness, language means, verbalization, core, margin, synonymic row.
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