Golubovska Iryna
Doctor of Science, Full prof.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Institute of Philology
Darchuk Natalia
Doctor of Science, Full prof.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Institute of Philology
Chernenko Hanna
Ph.D., Associate prof.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Institute of Philology
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/StudLing2018.13.9-25
The main problem the present project addresses is the development of an integrated approach to diachronically oriented study of the main sociocultural values based on semiotic oppositions: culture / nature; materialistic / spiritual; joy / grief; health / illness; beauty / deformity, which involves the development of linguocognitive and linguoculturological methods on the material of fine arts’ and media texts based on the identification of verbal and non-verbal markers of value dominants what contributes to the formation of a postmodernist model of the world examined in the veine of new cultural values and anti-values emergence.
The working hypothesis of the project is that the study of lingual and discursive reflexes of the changes in values of the modern society, made with the help of corpus data on the material of the European languages, will reveal the main features of the modern world conceptual system based on the common for many ethnic groups (at least European) systems of values and anti-values.
The goal of the project might be put as working out of an algorithm for analyzing the process of changing of axiological orientations of a society, which will be carried out on the material of fiction and media texts on the grounds of a corpus-based approach to the processing language data.
The relevance of such a research is due to the lack of systemic studies of this kind both in domestic linguistics and abroad: so far there are no studies within which an attempt is made to investigate changes in the axiosphere of modern society on the material of many European languages practicing the corpus approach to processing cultural and speech data and highlightening both global and national-specific values inherent for this or that linguoculture.
The study will be anthropocentrically oriented, as well as a set of neolinguistic approaches to processing lexical, phraseological and grammatical innovations in media (which will be considered in linguocognitive, linguo cultural, linguopragmatic, discursive and suggestive aspects) would be exercised.
Predicted results might significantly affect the empowerment of human self-reflection in the context of identifying axiological attitudes that speakers both intentionally and unwittingly broadcast in their daily communicative practices (many of them are being formed just by media and fiction texts). This is extremely important in the context of the informational wars, when there is a need to increase the level of mass media texts’ critical perception, the last very often appear to be an instrument of political propaganda.
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