Poetical Text as the Specific Way of the Reflection of Reality

2018. – Vol. 13

Moskvichova Oksana Anatolyevna

PhD, Assistant Professor

Kherson State University

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/StudLing2018.13.215-227



The article is dedicated to the embodiment of reality in the poetic model of the world of the British poetry by means of the linguistic and poetic analysis of tropes as the way to actualize cognitive processes in the formation of the world model. By means of linguistic, poetic and cognitive analysis the cognitive aspect of the poetry of the British romantic, modern and post-modern periods is investigated. From the position of cognitive linguistics and cognitive poetics poetry is analyzed as the embodiment in the poetical works the result of cognition of a poet and his interpretation of reality on the background of his physical, social and cultural experience. Reconstruction of the poetical model of the world on the base of British poetical texts is accentuated on the notion of poetry and poetic texts, on the reflection of reality in poetry, on esthetic aspect of poetry and on linguistic and communicative peculiarities of poetry. The article is actual as the generalization of linguistic, poetic and cognitive paradigms aimed to the construction of the model of the world of different cultural and historic periods. The aim and the results of investigation are determined by the specification of the poetical viewpoint embodied in the British poetry of romantic, modern and post-modern periods.

Key words: world image, poetical model of the world, conceptual tropes, linguistic and cognitive mechanisms.


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